Add copyright info and keywords to EXIF data

How to add copyright and contact information to your images

Protect your images online by adding copyright and contact information to the EXIF data. It obviously won’t stop people from using your images without permission, but it will provide all the information needed to contact you. Adding keywords will help to make your shots show up in search engine results.

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Vintage wedding photography effect

Vintage wedding photography processing in Lightroom

Learn how to apply a vintage colour effect to wedding photography in Lightroom. The technique applies a warm colour effect using Curves.  Vintage wedding photography colour effects in Lightroom is a popular technique that you need to know. To see the full before and after images scroll down.

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Hover Camera self-flying drone


Whether you love or loathe selfies, the Hover Camera by Zero Zero Robotics – a Shanghai-based company, is an exciting new self-flying camera with the ability to track faces while following people around shooting stills or 4k video. Weighing just 238 grams, the Hover Camera is easy to use and designed to completely remove the difficulties of flying a drone.

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Create custom Photoshop brushes

Custom film rebate brushes in Photoshop tutorial

Learn how to create custom Photoshop brushes using any image to make the brush. But more specifically, how to create a brush from an image of an old film rebate. This can then be added to the edges of any photo at the touch of a button.

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